箸,亦曰筷,進食之器也。乃中國從古沿襲至今易用多工的餐具代表。其成雙成對的意象在東方傳統習俗中亦被視為吉祥之象徵,常做為送禮傳情之物。 Chopsticks, one of the Chinese traditional tableware, have been used in many parts of the world. There is a special meaning for chopsticks. Because the number two is symbolic of a harmonious marriage, the implication of a pair of chopsticks represents a happy couple in some Eastern communities. “Knife Chopsticks” were inspired from classical Chinese swords, which were designed for making eating enjoyable by mimicking the action of taking out a knife from its carved scabbard. Why don’t you wait? Draw your “sword” and let the fun battle begin on your dinner table!! 【商品介紹】
※劍身 Blade 戰國 雲雷紋劍 Sword with cloud and thunder decor, Warring states period青銅劍始於商代,為我國古代戰爭中常使用的一種兵器,一般是銅、錫合金冶煉而成。 Sword with cloud and thunder decor was invested in Shang Dynasty, which was made of copper and tin. Bronze swords were weapons commonly used in the ancient war. ※劍紋 Sword Grain 春秋晚期 越王勾踐劍 菱形紋。The sword of Goujian; Late Spring and Autumn Period.劍身中脊起棱,鑄有黑色菱形暗紋。The sword chopsticks resemble the sword of Goujian with special black diamond pattern engraved. 此劍素有「天下第一劍」,「青銅劍之王」美譽。 ※劍鋒Point 底部活動式塞扣設計,便於清洗後晾乾。There is a special design for cleaning at the bottom of the scabbard. 【商品包裝】
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